Sunday 25 November 2007

Consistory 2007

One of the best things about the consistory: in addition to each of the new Cardinals having a place set aside in the Apostolic Palace to receive the faithful who wanted to offer greetings and congratulations, was that in the small Gregorio XIII hall, just before stepping out into the Prima Loggia, and in which Cardinal Bagnasco had an unruly horde of people trying to meet him (unlike the tidy line in front of Cardinal Di Nardo...) -- in one corner of the small room stood Don Guido Marini, who found that by just standing there he wound up with a recieving line of his own.
The fila of those gathered to greet Don Guido was longer than for some of the Cardinals. Those who approached him offered thanks for the restoration of the liturgy (which I did too!). The extremely humble MC seemed genuinely overwhelmed at all the attention.

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